Bloomington Documents
8/29/14 Klennert joins Foth to sell government collection to Bloomington
8/29/14 Foth/Krivit $250,000 proposal and flow chart to convert to government managed trash collection
8/27/14 Attempts to separate government collection from solid waste manager position
8/27/14 Foth/Krivit opposes more public input
8/20/14 Foth billing rates
8/19/14 Foth/Krivit asks city not to put certain details in writing
8/18/14 Discussing Foth contract for government collection implementation
8/14/14 Setting city goals for government managed collection, shortening process
7/18/14 Foth invoice for political work
7/11/14 Staff memo to Council discounting claims on safety, environment, and road damage
6/26/14 Foth/Krivit and staff accuse each other of unprofessional behavior
6/20/14 City Manager comments on draft report, Wedge & Big Bang
5/8/14 Trends, E3, Wedge, Big Bang
4/23/14 County commercial vs. residential solid waste accounts
4/23/14 County audit of solid waste haulers
3/12/14 Foth contract amount maxed out
3/10/14 Foth invoice
3/6/14 GHCC and Maplewood
3/5/14 Powerpoint with cost estimates
3/4/14 Strategy as to when to announce government managed trash collection
2/24/14 Staff preparing for council presentation
2/24/14 Staff criticizing Bloomington Sun reporter Don Heinzman
2/24/14 City attorney states consortium is illegal, advises staff to select one hauler
2/13/14 Citizens group letter to Mayor & Foth
2/11/14 Foth invoice
1/31/14 Draft community engagement report
1/21/14 Second open house results memorandum
1/17/14 Second open house goals list
1/17/14 Second open house attendance list
1/15/14 Foth invoice
1/14/14 Staff Survey Monkey survey
1/7/14 Meeting with Foth
12/11/13 Foth invoice
8/29/14 Klennert joins Foth to sell government collection to Bloomington
8/29/14 Foth/Krivit $250,000 proposal and flow chart to convert to government managed trash collection
8/27/14 Attempts to separate government collection from solid waste manager position
8/27/14 Foth/Krivit opposes more public input
8/20/14 Foth billing rates
8/19/14 Foth/Krivit asks city not to put certain details in writing
8/18/14 Discussing Foth contract for government collection implementation
8/14/14 Setting city goals for government managed collection, shortening process
7/18/14 Foth invoice for political work
7/11/14 Staff memo to Council discounting claims on safety, environment, and road damage
6/26/14 Foth/Krivit and staff accuse each other of unprofessional behavior
6/20/14 City Manager comments on draft report, Wedge & Big Bang
5/8/14 Trends, E3, Wedge, Big Bang
4/23/14 County commercial vs. residential solid waste accounts
4/23/14 County audit of solid waste haulers
3/12/14 Foth contract amount maxed out
3/10/14 Foth invoice
3/6/14 GHCC and Maplewood
3/5/14 Powerpoint with cost estimates
3/4/14 Strategy as to when to announce government managed trash collection
2/24/14 Staff preparing for council presentation
2/24/14 Staff criticizing Bloomington Sun reporter Don Heinzman
2/24/14 City attorney states consortium is illegal, advises staff to select one hauler
2/13/14 Citizens group letter to Mayor & Foth
2/11/14 Foth invoice
1/31/14 Draft community engagement report
1/21/14 Second open house results memorandum
1/17/14 Second open house goals list
1/17/14 Second open house attendance list
1/15/14 Foth invoice
1/14/14 Staff Survey Monkey survey
1/7/14 Meeting with Foth
12/11/13 Foth invoice